Cucumber Sandwiches Recipe

What Is a Cucumber Tea Sandwich?

These straightforward (as in, outrageously basic) little sandwiches of crunchy, meagerly cut cucumbers inside cuts of bread slathered in spread or cream cheddar are pretty much as sensitive as a spring breeze.

While they’re ideal to fill in as a feature of a Mother’s Day informal breakfast, a child shower, or a graduation celebration, you can likewise make only a couple of them and host your own private little tea get-together, or a quick and simple lunch.

The practice of tea sandwiches began during the 1800’s the point at which it became chic to serve something in the late evening to fight off hunger before the significant delay for an eight o’clock supper. Also the writing is on the wall.

Best Bread for Cucumber Sandwiches

The best bread for these sandwiches is delicate, daintily cut white bread, like Pepperidge Farm Very Thin White. However much I love sourdough, weighty wheat, and rye bread, they would get everyone’s attention from the fundamental fascination of spread or cream cheddar and fragile cucumbers, so the less flavor additional items, the better. As such, while setting up these sandwiches, humble and unobtrusive ought to be your core values.

Best Cucumbers for Tea Sandwiches

Long and slender, they were reared to make a cucumber with more modest seeds and more slender skin than the normal cucumber. They are generally contract enclosed by plastic to shield the skins from scratches.

Custom orders that cucumbers for these sandwiches be stripped; however you can absolutely defy that norm assuming you utilize English cucumbers, which have more tasteful skins. Utilize a mandoline slicer to cut them into paper-slight cuts in the event that you have one, or a blade to painstakingly do likewise. Then, at that point, subsequent to salting and depleting them, layer them on the bread cuts, currently spread with margarine or cream cheddar.

Assuming you can’t track down English cucumbers, utilize customary cucumbers. In the case of utilizing customary cucumbers, which are bigger and have a thicker skin than English cucumbers, strip the hard external skins and cut the cucumber in half the long way. This will keep overabundance dampness from entering your completed item. Then, at that point, daintily cut the cucumber into half-moons.

Trades, Substitutions, and Suggestions

There are no immovable standards, yet for this situation, toning it down would be ideal. Pick a couple and add them to make a little assortment to your determination.

⦁ Mint adds a summery newness.
⦁ Watercress loans a sharp, peppery note.
⦁ A couple of drops of lemon juice or a sprinkle of zing adds something citrusy.
⦁ Dill is one of the more normal augmentations to cucumber cream cheddar sandwiches.
⦁ Level leaf parsley or chives are additionally make great options.
⦁ Without dairy spread is another choice assuming that you have veggie lover visitors.
⦁ Stir up the vegetables. Assuming you doesn’t have cucumbers, use radishes.


For Four Sandwiches

⦁ 1/2 English cucumber, stripped and daintily cut
⦁ 1/8 teaspoon salt, in addition to additional depending on the situation
⦁ 8 cups white bread, like Pepperidge Farm Very Thin White
⦁ 4 tablespoons unsalted spread or cream cheddar, mellowed at room temperature
⦁ 1/8 teaspoon ground white or dark pepper
⦁ Discretionary: watercress, mint leaves, lemon zing, dill, chives, or parsley

For Party Sandwiches (around 80 little sandwiches)

⦁ 2 English cucumbers, stripped and daintily cut
⦁ 1/2 teaspoon salt, in addition to additional on a case by case basis
⦁ 40 cups white bread, like Pepperidge Farm Very Thin White
⦁ 2 sticks (8 ounces) unsalted spread or cream cheddar, relaxed at room temperature (see Recipe Note)
⦁ 1/2 teaspoon ground white or dark pepper
⦁ Discretionary: watercress, mint leaves, lemon zing, dill, chives, or parsley


Salt the cucumbers:

Sprinkle gently with salt and leave for 20 minutes. Wipe them off with more paper towels. Taste the cuts, and sprinkle with more salt on the off chance that they taste boring.

Daintily cut cucumbers set on paper towels for cucumber dill sandwiches.
Add the spread:
Set bread cuts on a cutting board and spread one side of each cut liberally with margarine or cream cheddar. You will require around 1-2 teaspoons for each cut contingent upon the size of your bread cuts.

Eight cuts of bread in two lines of four. Each cut is spread with margarine to make cucumber sandwiches.
Organize the cucumbers on the bread:
Covering them to cover the bread, lay the cucumbers on portion of the bread cuts. In the event that the cucumbers are extremely slim, make 2 layers, assuming thick, make one. The cucumber filling ought to be around 1/4-inch thick. Sprinkle the cucumber cuts with pepper. Assuming you like, top the cucumbers with one of the discretionary fixings. Top with a second cut of bread.

Eight cuts of bread in two lines of four. Cream cheddar is spread on each and every other cut and cucumbers with spices are on different cuts to make cucumber cream cheddar sandwiches.
Cut into little sandwiches:
Pushing down immovably, cut the hulls off, and afterward cut into square shapes, triangles, or quarters. Keep it slick!

Showing various ways; of cutting cucumber tea sandwiches. A gourmet specialist’s blade is over three sandwiches and the outsides are cut off.
Organize on platters (or your plate) and serve.