Cancer Patients Should Eat These Eight Superfoods To Help Them Stay Healthy


The idea of a “superfood” was not thought of as a scientific fact. It all began in the 20th century when a banana supplier ran a marketing campaign about how good bananas were for you. According to an article from Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, it had a lot of success.

This has become a big thing, and it has helped businesses with billions of dollars in revenue. The idea of “superfoods” has become so popular that it’s sometimes hard to believe. Still, we need to eat certain foods to ensure our bodies get the nutrients they need.

There are multiple types of meals that people with cancer should eat

It could be that your cancer treatment includes chemotherapy or radiation therapy or surgery or immunotherapy, or it might be a combination of all of these items. You may lose a lot of weight and energy due to these treatments, and you may also be tired.

During treatment, you need extra calories and protein to stay healthy and keep your weight in check. Also, some cancer treatments work better if patients get enough calories and protein and are well-fed and well-cared for.

Some ways to get more calories and protein, as well as some other ideas:

⦁ When you eat three big meals, break them into smaller meals that you eat all day.
⦁ Don’t wait until you’re hungry to eat your small meals.
⦁ Sprinkle nuts or seeds on top of your salad or dessert.
⦁ During times when you are starving, eat your largest meal. You might make breakfast your biggest meal if you’re most hungry when you wake up and want to eat.
⦁ Have more drinks that are high in calories and protein.
⦁ Drink water between meals instead of with your food. Having water with your food can make you feel full.
⦁ Before eating, go for a short walk or do some light exercise. This will help you be more excited about your food.
⦁ Keep having your favorite food even if it makes you want to eat less.
⦁ Try to have nutrition bars and puddings that are commercially available or made at home.

Cancer patients should eat superfoods

You can eat superfoods because they are easy to eat, easy to make, and have a lot of nutrients that can help you deal with the side effects of your cancer treatment. A cancer patient can eat some of these superfoods in their diet.

1. Berries and other fruits: The best selections are easy to consume, refreshing, and have high water content. A lot of fruits and vegetables are in this group. They include melons, bananas, pineapple, pears, and more! Blueberries have a lot of phytochemicals and nutrients that can fight cancer, fight free radicals, and protect DNA from damage.

antioxidants like vitamin C, phytochemicals, and flavonoids are found in raspberries and strawberries, which are also good for your health. There is a chemical in tomatoes called lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may help people who eat them avoid getting prostate cancer.

2. Dark leafy veggies such as kale and spinach: Dark green vegetables such as kale and spinach are critical in the battle against cancer. They have a lot of fiber and folate, which may help keep some types of cancer at bay. To make new cells and fix DNA, you need to eat folic acid.

Kale has carotenoids, antioxidants that help the body fight off free radicals. These defenses stop free radicals from causing damage to the DNA. Kale also has vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant and contains carcinogens from being made. Spinach is a good source of carotenoids like zeaxanthin and lutein, which fight off free radicals in the body and help the body stay healthy.

3. Carrots: Carrots are non-starchy vegetables rich in beta-carotene, phytochemicals, and vitamins that may guard against some kinds of cancer. Also, carrots have a natural pesticide called falcarinol, which may help with inflammation.

The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry statement says cooked carrots have more antioxidants than raw carrots. Steam or boil the whole carrots, then cut them up when they’re done. This way, the carrots keep their nutrients, including falcarinol, which is good for your body, as well.

4. Whole grains: Whole grains are suitable for your digestive health because they are high in fiber, carbs, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals. Saponins, which may stop cancer cells from growing, and lignans, which act as antioxidants, are found in whole grains to help fight cancer.

A study by Soochow University in Suzhou, China, says that high fiber content may change the hormones that cause hormone-dependent cancers to grow. Products that say “100% whole grain” are better.

5. Meat and poultry: Good protein sources help you gain muscle mass and keep your weight in check, which is healthy for your health. There are a lot of good sources of protein, like chicken, meat, or fish. Whole, unprocessed beef that doesn’t have nitrates is what you should look for. If you want to eat raw food, don’t eat eggs or meat that hasn’t been cooked.

6. Cruciferous vegetables: Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower have phytochemicals called glucosinolates. These phytochemicals make protective enzymes. Many different types of cancer are less likely if you eat these vegetables. Have some raw broccoli or steam it, add garlic and olive oil, and then eat it.

7. Yogurt: Unsweetened yogurt helps with digestion, has a lot of specific proteins, and is easy to eat, so it’s healthy for you. If you desire the food to taste more useful, you can add cinnamon, berries, or slivered almonds.

8. Soy: Soy has a phytonutrient called isoflavones, which can help fight cancer. People who eat small amounts of soy, like one or two servings of whole soy foods like soy milk or tofu, are not at risk. You should know that we need to use high-nutrient foods in moderation and that a “super plate” diet that includes a lot of different foods with good nutrition is a better way to think about it.