11 Vitamin A Rich Foods!


Vitamin A is an antioxidant with strong anti-oxidant properties that is related with good eye health. A diet high in vitamin A can help to avoid night blindness, inflammation of the eyes, and dryness of the eyes. It is estimated that the average adult’s daily requirement for Vitamin A is approximately 5000 International Units (IU).

We’ve included 11 foods that are high in vitamin A in the following section:


  1. Carrots

This vegetable is high in beta-carotene, which is a molecule that acts as a previtamin. The beta-carotenes are activated in our bodies and then converted into vitamin A by the liver. Scientific evidence has shown that eating vegetables high in beta-carotenes can improve your vision.

One medium carrot has more than 200 percent of the daily vitamin A needs for the average individual. They are also a good source of the vitamins C, K, and B, as well as magnesium and fibre, among other nutrients.

Size of a serving: 1 medium unit contains around 10,191 IU of vitamin A (204 percent of the daily value) and approximately 25 calories.


  1. Iceberg or cabbage lettuce

When it comes to healthful eating, leafy greens are among the most nutrient-dense options.

A significant amount of Vitamin A is present in the lighter green variety of the iceberg lettuce. One cup of shredded iceberg lettuce includes only 10 calories and provides your body with a slew of other nutrients like as vitamins and minerals.

Size of a serving: The vitamin A content of one cup of iceberg lettuce is 361 IU (7 percent of the daily value) and it comprises approximately 10 calories.


  1. Sweet potato

When the settlers arrived in America, sweet potatoes were one of the most important food sources. Their delectable taste and high nutrient content are still greatly appreciated in modern times.

While just adding 103 calories to the diet, a medium sweet potato supplies an amazing 438 percent of the average adult’s vitamin A requirement for only 103 calories.

Size of a serving: 1 medium unit contains around 21,909 IU of vitamin A (438 percent of the daily value) and approximately 103 calories.


  1. Cod liver oil

Because cod liver oil supplements are high in vitamins and minerals, many individuals choose to include them in their diets instead of eating fish.

Cod liver oil, which is available in both liquid and capsule form, is rich in vitamin D, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids, among other nutrients. If you consume one tablespoon of cod liver oil throughout the day, you will be able to meet or surpass the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A.

Size of a serving: It contains around 14,000 IU of vitamin A (280 percent of the daily value) and 126 calories in a tablespoon of cod liver oil.


  1. Red pepper

A pinch of red pepper to your cooking throughout the day will make a significant impact in the taste of your meals as well as the overall health of you and your household. One tablespoon of this spicy spice offers a whopping 42 percent of the daily required quantity of vitamin A, according to the USDA.

One tablespoon contains approximately 2,081 IU of vitamin A (42 percent of the daily value) and 16 calories.


  1. Turkey Liver

It is common practise for many individuals to store their turkey giblets in order to use them in a variety of meals later. Turkey’s liver is a fantastic source of a variety of vitamins and minerals, among other nutrients. It is astounding to think that one hundred grammes of turkey liver contains 1507 percent of the recommended daily requirement for vitamin A.

Size of a serving: 100 grammes of turkey liver provide approximately 75,333 IU of vitamin A (1,507 percent of the daily value) and 273 calories, according to the USDA.


  1. Paprika

It is often found in the cuisines of South America, India, and Spain, among other places. But it doesn’t matter where you’re from or what kind of food you like; you can reap the benefits of this brilliant red spice’s numerous health benefits by including it into your favourite dishes.

When it comes to vitamin A, one tablespoon delivers 69 percent of the necessary daily requirement. Paprika is also high in vitamins C and K, as well as calcium and potassium.

Approximately 3448 IU of vitamin A (69 percent of the daily value) and 20 calories are contained in one tablespoon of the mixture.


  1. Mangoes

A mango is a fruit that is sweet and juicy, and it may be used in both sweet and savoury recipes. In order to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, mangoes must be included, as they are a rich source of nutrients and vitamins. Mangoes provide 36 percent of the daily Vitamin A requirement in just one cup of sliced fruit. This demonstrates just how high the Vitamin A concentration of mangoes truly is.

1 cup sliced has 1,785 IU vitamin A (36 percent of the daily value) and approximately 107 calories per serving.


  1. Whole Milk

Whole milk is often preferred over skim milk by many individuals because of the numerous nutrients and delicious flavour it contains. A cup of whole milk provides a healthy source of calcium, protein, and magnesium, as well as vitamins D and A, according to the USDA.

Whole milk has a high fat level; however, if fat and calories are your primary concerns, you may always switch to skimmed milk to make up the difference.

Size of a serving: 1 cup contains 395 IU vitamin A (eight percent of the daily value) and approximately 146 calories.


  1. Mustard leaves

Whether you consume mustard leaves cooked or raw, you will get the benefits of this aromatic plant’s flavour and minerals in abundance. One cup of these finely chopped leaves contains 118 percent of the daily recommended intake for vitamin A. They are also high in antioxidants like as vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as manganese, folic acid, fibre, protein, and calcium.

A serving size of 1 cup of leaves contains around 5,880 IU of vitamin A (118 percent of the daily value), as well as approximately 15 calories.


  1. Pumpkin

The pumpkin’s yellow-orange colour indicates that it contains a high concentration of beta-carotene. In fact, pumpkin cubes have such a high concentration of Vitamin A that they can meet more than 400 percent of the body’s Vitamin A requirements. Pumpkins are also high in Vitamin C, potassium, and fibre, and as a result, they can help to improve the general health of your body.

1 cup cubed contains 22,868 IU of vitamin A (457 percent of the daily value), and 82 calories.